Boltmobile Wifi Mf90 Update Tool V2.0 Manual Instruction For Mac

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Bolt Mobile Wifi Mf90 Update Tool V2.0 Manual Instruction For Mac Download

CHAP TER 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION IDEA OF FUTURE VISION PROJECT The Future Vision housing scheme project is for providing an economical & perfect residential area for the people especially of the middle class society with the basic requirements. The required sewerage system is to be designed to facilitate the people.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Future vision housing society is a complete residential neighborhood in all respects. The scheme comprises of:  An English-medium school.  Two hundred & Eighty one (281) houses divided into different blocks(A To M).  Three(3) flats & Apartments each.  a well equipped dispensary, with cooperative staff.  Parks.  Graveyard. These facilities provide ease to the residents All the basic necessities including electricity, gas, telephone and water are available. The scheme also has its own waste water treatment plant.. Being adjacent to the Jhelum road, the housing scheme is very easily accessible by road, lying at just 15 minutes drive from Jhelum city.
GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION: The Future Vision Society is situated on the west bank of the Upper Chenab canal, 10 km along the Jhelum road HOUSING PLAN: The Future Vision Housing project Housing Plan is divided into:  Independent Housing Plots  Apartments(3)  Flats (3)  The independent plots in the society have been divided into 13 housing blocks which are named: A to M for distinction.  The detail of no. of each housing units is given below
SEWERAGE: It is the liquid waste or waste water produced as a result of water use.
SEWER: Sewer is a pipe or conduit, generally closed, and flow takes place under gravity.
SOURCES OF WASTE WATER: Sources of waste water or sewage are commonly encountered are: 
Domestic Wastewater It is the waste water from houses, office, other buildings, hotels and institutions.

Industrial Wastewater It is the liquid waste from industrial process.

Storm water It includes surface runoff generated by rainfall and the street wash.
Collection system (network of sewer pipes) Disposal work (sewage pumping stations, outfalls) Treatment works (for rendering waste water treatment)
Sanitary sewer It carries sanitary sewage i.e. waste water from municipality including domestic and industrial waste water.

Storm sewer It carries storm sewage including surface runoff and street wash.

Combined sewer It carries domestic, industrial and storm sewage.

House sewer It is the sewer conveying sewage from plumbing system of a building to common or municipal sewer.

Lateral sewer This sewer carries discharge from house sewer.

Sub main sewer
3 This sewer carries discharge from two or more laterals. 
Main / Trunk sewer It receives discharge from two or more sub mains.

Outfall sewer It receives discharge from all collecting system and conveys it to the point of final disposal.
Separate system In this system storm water is carried separately from domestic and industrial waste water.

Combined system In this system sewers carry both sanitary and storm water.
Partially combined system If some portion of storm or surface runoff is allowed to be along with sanitary sewage, the system is known as partially combined system. The sewerage system of the Future Vision scheme has been designed according to partially combined system, being the most economical option in a developing country such as Pakistan. 
DESIGN PERIOD FOR SEWER SYSTEMS: Design of Sewer system Period of design is indefinite, as the system is designed to care for the maximum development of the area. 1)
Design of Sewage pumping station Design period is usually 10 years.
Design of sewage treatment plant Design period is usually 15-20 years.
STRENGHT OF RCC PIPES: Three edge bearing test is used to measure the strength of R.C.C pipes. Load is applied on the pipe to produce 0.25mm crack. The test defines the load that can be safely supported by the sewer.
JOINTS IN SEWER PIPES: There are two types of joints in Concrete (up to 300 mm diameter) and R.C.C pipes (greater than 300 mm diameter)  Bell and Spigot joint (Employed for sewers from 225 mm to 600 mm diameter)  Tongue and groove joint (employed for sizes greater than 600 mm diameter)
SEWER APPURTENANCES: Appurtenances ate those devices, in addition to the pipes and conduits, that all essential for the operation of the sewer system. They include:
4 Manhole (provided when drop is less than 0.6m) Drop manholes (provided when drop is more than 0.6m) 3. Inlets An inlet is an opening into a storm or combined sewer for entrance of storm runoff. It is designed to permit the passage of water from the street surface into the sewer a) Curb inlet b) Gutter inlet c) Catch basins 4. Flush tanks 5. Inverted siphon 1. 2.
PUMPING STATIONS: Used to elevate and transport waste water when:  Continuation of gravity flow is no longer feasible  Basements are deep  Any obstacle lies in the path of sewer  Receiving stream is higher than the sewer  Sewage is to be delivered to and above ground treatment plant
MAIN COMPONENTS OF SEWAGE PUMPING STATION: Screens  Dry well (for installation of pumps)  Wet well (for receipt of waste water)  Pumps (along with valves, force main, motor, control panel etc) 
Design of wet well and pump selection: In small pumping stations, where pump is sized to meet the peak the peak or maximum flow, the following considerations are made:  The detention time in the wet well at average flow should preferably be not more than 30 minutes.  The pump must run for at least 2 minutes  Cycle time must not be less than 10 minute.
DESIGN CRITERIA Complete details are given here regarding all aspects of design of waste water disposal system for this project. The Design procedure aims primarily to determine the:  Diameters  Slopes of the pipes to be laid.
THE SEWER SYSTEM: For the type of waste water disposal system, three(3 )options were available as shown below: TYPE OF SEWER SYSTEMS
Separate system
All sanitary and storm sewage carried in separate sewer pipes.
Combined system
All sanitary and storm sewage carried in same sewer pipe.
Partially Combined system.
All sanitary sewage carried with a portion of storm sewage or surface runoff in same sewer pipe.
Partially Combined system.
DESIGN SEWAGE FLOW CRITERIA In general, the design sewage flow for sewer system is calculated using the following equation:
Design sewage flow = Peak sanitary sewage flow + Storm sewage flow + Infiltration
PEAK SANITARY SEWAGE FLOW: The peak sanitary sewage flow is obtained by application of a “peak factor” to the average sewage flow. Relevant equation is as follows: Peak sanitary sewage flow = Peak factor × Average sanitary sewage flow There are two approaches for determination of peak sewage flow i.e. from WASA specifications or by using the Herman formula.
USING WASA SPECIFICATIONS: For the calculation of peak factor for the design purpose, the 1986 specifications provided by the WASA (Water and Sanitation Agency) have been referred.
≤ 2500
2500 – 5000
5000 – 10,000
10,000 – 25,000
6 25,000 – 50,000 50,000 – 100,000
2.50 2.30
100,000 – 250,000
250,000 – 500,000 > 500,000
2.08 2.00
In our case, Peak factor for average sewage flow = 4.0
USING HERMAN FORMULA: An alternative method for determination of peak factor is by using the Herman formula. The formula is given below M
Q MAX 14  1 Q AVG 4 P
DESIGN EQUATION: The Manning’s formula is used for design of sewers flowing under gravity. 2
1 v  . R 3 . S2 n Where
v = Velocity of flow (m/sec) R = Hydraulic mean depth =
Area D  (when pipeis flowing full or half full) Wetted perimeter 4
S = Slope of the sewer n = Manning’s coefficient of roughness for pipes (n = 0.013 for RCC pipes)
MINIMUM SELF CLEANSING VELOCITY: It is the minimum velocity that ensures non settlement of suspended matter in the sewer. For Partially combined sewerage system = 0.7 m/sec
Maximum velocity: Maximum velocity should not be greater than 2.4 m/sec to avoid excessive sewer abrasion and also to avoid steep slopes.
MINIMUM SEWER SIZE: The minimum sewer size is taken as 225mm.
MINIMUM COVER: 1m is taken as the minimum cover over the sewers to avoid damage from live loads coming on the sewer.
SPACING OF MANHOLES sewer size 225mm to 375mm 450mm to 750mm greater than 750mm
spacing 100m 120m 150m
CHAP TER 4 HYDRAULIC STATEMENT & DETAILED DESIGN This chapter deals with the detailed design of future vision housing society. This chapter includes the following:  
Design of partially combined sewer system (hydraulic statement) Design of sewage pumping station (only wet well)
PREPARATION OF HYDRAULIC STATEMENT Hydraulic statement is :  Tabular form or a sheet  Contains information regarding diameters of pipes used, slopes to be maintained, invert levels etc.
REQUIRED DATA FOR THE PREPARATION OF HYDRAULIC STATEMENT POPULATION: The calculation of population was based on the following data: No of Plots No of Apartments No of Flats (2 storey)
= = =
281 3 3
Persons /plot=ten(10) Total population
= =
(281 x 10) + (3 x 600) + (3 x 400) 5810 persons.
8 The per capita water consumption is calculated in liters per capita per day (lpcd) using the following relation
PER CAPITA WATER CONSUMPTION = 350 + R Where, R = Registration number of the student = 142 Hence, the per capita water consumption came out to be 492 lpcd.
TOTAL AVERAGE DAILY WATER CONSUMPTION: The relation used for the determination of total average daily consumption of water is as follows: Total ave rage daily water consumption = Pd × Per capita wate r consumption
80% of average daily water consumption
In general, the design sewage flow for sewer system is calculated using the following equation:

This design sewage flow value is calculated for each sewer line, by determining each of the three parameters given in the equation above. The detail of determination of these parameters follows:
Design sewage flow = Peak sanitary sewage flow + Storm sewage flow + Infiltration
PEAK SANITARY SEWAGE FLOW: The peak sanitary sewage flow is obtained by application of a “peak factor” to the average sewage flow. Relevant equation is as follows: Peak sanitary sewage flow = Peak factor × Average sanitary sewage flow Using WASA Specifications, Peak factor = 4 for our case.
INFILTRATION: Infiltration refers to the wastewater that enters sewers through poor joints, cracked pipes, walls and manhole covers. Infiltration rate = 10 % of average sanitary sewage flow
DESIGN FLOW: IT is given by the following expression: Design sewage flow = 2 × Peak sanitary sewage flow + Infiltration OR Design sewage flow=8.1*Q(avg.)
LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF LONGEST SEWER LINE It is always recommended to draw a longitudinal profile of sewer line because:  Helps in executing the work of water disposal system  Guides the contractor to execute the work easily & efficiently. Longitudinal profile is a section along the length showing invert levels, reduced levels, details of manholes, diameter of sewer pipe lines, slope of sewer pipe lines, length of sewer pipe line etc.
SEWER INVERT LEVELS: The lowest inside level at any cross section of a sewer pipe is known as the Invert Level at that cross section.
IMPORTANCE OF INVERT LEVELS:  minimum self cleansing velocity are achieved through calculations of invert levels of sewers at various manholes. Formula for calculation of invert level: U/S Invert level = NGSL/Road level − Depth of sewer − Thickness of sewer − Diameter of sewe r D/S Invert level = U/S Invert level − (Sewer slope × Length of sewer)

When sewers of equal diameter discharge in a manhole and a pipe of same diameter receives the total discharge, then the lowest D/S Invert Level among the discharging sewers has been taken as U/S Invert Level of the receiving sewer. When the diameter of receiving sewer is greater than that of lowest discharging sewer the following rules are observed in the laying of sewer pipes: a) The sewer crowns are kept at the same level. b) U/S IL of receiving sewer is dropped by the difference in diameter of the two sewers.
SEWAGE PUMPING STATION: A sewage pumping station is needed to elevate or transport sewage to a higher receiving point in the sewerage system. Such a need can arise when:  Continuation of gravity flow is no longer feasible  Buildings in vicinity have deep basements  An obstacle is present in the path of sewer  Receiving stream is higher than the sewer  Sewage is to be delivered to an above ground treatment plan.
PUMPING CAPACITY & DESIGN SEWAGE FLOW: The sewage pump is design according to the maximum design sewage flow of the total population, and for the current case: Maximum design sewage flow So, required pumping capacity
= 18966.528 m3/day = 13.1712 m3/min = 13.1712 m3/min
AVERAGE SEWAGE FLOW: The average sewage flow rate is used along with the minimum rate of sewage flow to calculate the corresponding “cycle time” for the pumping station: Average sewage flow
= 2341.538 m3/day = 1.626 m3/min
MINIMUM SEWAGE FLOW: Minimum sewage flow = 50 % of ave rage sewage flow Minimum sewage flow = 0.5 x 2341.538 m3/day = 1170.769 m3/day = 0.813 m3/min
CYCLE TIME: The cycle time for a sewage pumping station is the time elapsed between 2 successive startups of the motor pump.
11 Cycle time = Time to empty the wet well + Time to fill the wet well
FORMULA for calculating cycle time
V V  PQ Q
VOLUME OF WET WELL: Volume of wet well corresponding to a certain cycle time is given by the following formula: V
t min . P 4
The wet well should have a volume such that the cycle time is always greater than the minimum cycle time recommended for a motor pump.
(PUMPING STATION) Given data: Maximum design sewage flow
Average sewage flow
= Qmax =6.35 m3/min
= 9147.26 m3/day
= Qavg = 2286.82 m3/day =1.58 m3/min
= Qmin= 0.5 * 1.58 m3/day =0.794 m3/min Recommended cycle time for pump = 10 minutes Minimum sewage flow
SOLUTION: Effective volume of wet well
P. t min 6..35  10   15.87m 3 4 4
V 15.87   2.84min > 2 min ( OK) P  Q min 6.35  0.794
𝐕 Qavg
So, Volume of wet well Assuming Depth Surface Area Diameter
𝟏𝟓.𝟖𝟕 𝟏.𝟓𝟖
= 𝟏𝟎. 𝟎𝟒 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐭 < 30 min
= =
= 15.87 m3 = 2.0 m 7.935m 3.18 m
CHAP TER 5 DRAWINGS This chapter deals with the major drawings required for the implementation of the project. The following drawings are included in this chapter: Longitudinal profile of sewer Manhole 3. Sewage pumping station 4. Sewer joints 1. 2.
LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF THE SEWER Longitudinal profile of the sewer is:  The graphical representation of Hydraulic Statement. In our design of future vision housing society I have drawn the longest sewer profile. The functions of manholes are:
Cleaning, inspection of sewer pipe Maintenances of sewer House connections
LOCATION OF MANHOLES Manholes should be located where ever there is:   
Change in sewer direction Change in slope Change in diameter
A typical figure of manhole is shown in the below figure.
When lateral or sub main join in a deeper sewer, excavation is saved by keeping the upper sewer at a reasonable grade and making the vertical drop at the manhole. Drop manhole is constructed when the drop is more than 0.6m.
A typical figure of drop manhole is shown in the figure.
SEWAGE PUMPING STATION: A sewage pumping station is needed :  To elevate or transport sewage to a higher receiving point in the sewerage system. Such a need can arise when:     
Continuation of gravity flow is no longer feasible Buildings in vicinity have deep basements An obstacle is present in the path of sewer Receiving stream is higher than the sewer Sewage is to be delivered to an above ground treatment plant
The schematic diagram of the pumping station is given below.
CYCLE TIME: The cycle time for a sewage pumping station is the time elapsed between 2 successive startups of the motor pump. Cycle time is given by the following formula:
V V  PQ Q
t min . P 4
SEWER JOINTS: There are two types of joints in Concrete (up to 300 mm diameter) and R.C.C pipes (greater than 300 mm diameter)  Bell and Spigot joint (Employed for sewers from 225 mm to 600 mm diameter)  Tongue and groove joint (employed for sizes greater than 600 mm diameter) The figure of bell and spigot joint and tongue and groove joints is given below.
BILL OF QUANTITY (BOQ) & BEDDING (a) Sr No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sewers Diameter Excavation(meters) Quuantity Rate Amount(RS) Description (mm) L(m) W(m) H(m) m3 Rs/C Rupees Millions M1 - M2 225 106 0.638 1.321 89.27 123 10979.79 0.011 M2 – M8 225 37 0.638 1.296 30.57 123 3760.04 0.004 M7 – M8 225 106 0.638 1.321 89.27 123 10979.79 0.011 M8– M10 225 37 0.638 1.346 31.75 123 3905.10 0.004 M9 – M10 225 106 0.638 1.071 72.37 123 8901.86 0.009 M10– M11 310 37 1.598 0.765 45.23 123 5563.46 0.006 M13 – M12 225 89 0.638 1.288 73.08 123 8988.58 0.009 M12 – M11 310 23 0.765 1.324 23.30 123 2865.38 0.003 M11 - M16 380 39 0.870 1.852 62.84 123 7729.12 0.008 M3 - M16 225 110 0.638 1.304 91.44 123 11247.49 0.011 M16 - M17 460 34 0.990 1.925 64.80 123 7969.85 0.008 M4- M17 225 108 0.638 1.275 87.78 123 10797.40 0.011 M17 - M18 460 48 0.990 1.736 82.49 123 10146.85 0.010
16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
M5 - M18 M18 – M19 M6 – M19 M19 – M20 M20– M23 M14 – M15 M15 – M21 M24 – M23 M23 – M21 M21 - M22 M22 –D.S
225 530 310 610 610 225 225 225 310 310 690
110 55 112 42 43 45 163 150 46 15 17
0.638 1.095 0.765 1.215 1.215 0.638 0.638 0.638 0.765 0.765 1.335
1.229 1.625 1.495 1.61 1.154 1.004 0.754 1.206 0.988 0.671 0.859
86.18 97.87 128.09 82.16 60.29 28.80 78.35 115.32 34.77 7.70 19.50
123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123
10600.59 12037.47 15755.27 10105.47 7415.76 3542.68 9637.05 14184.82 4276.43 947.07 2397.89 194735.19
0.011 0.012 0.016 0.010 0.007 0.004 0.010 0.014 0.004 0.001 0.002 0.195
225mm Ф Sewer
310mm Ф Sewer
380mm Ф Sewer
4 5 6 7
460mm Ф Sewer 530mm Ф Sewer 610mm Ф Sewer 690mm Ф Sewer
2 82 85 17
Meters Meters Meters Meters
Total cost for sewerage=1.94 Millions
2573.65 2992.35 3575.55
211039.3 254349.75 60784.35 1949327.7
Load (Lbs/ft/ft
3 edge bearing Standard value(lb/ft/ft
3 edge bearing value for prov dia.
0.225 0.225 0.225 0.225 0.225
1.321 1.296 1.321 1.346 1.071
2.46 0.64
2.42 2.46 2.50 0.64
1107.3 2.08
1107.3 2.59
0.61 0.61
0.225 0.225 0.225 0.31 0.31 0.69
1.154 1.004 0.754 1.206 0.988 0.671 0.859
Load factor
2.41 2.22 2.77 2.43 0.64
1107.3 2.76
2263.8 2.39 2.54 2.32 2.34 2.45 2.28
1.22 1.22
1.15 0.86
1.33 0.95
3105.20 2315.54
6831.43 5094.18
1500 1500
3002.0 3002.0
0.64 0.64
1.33 1.04
1.57 1.18
989.92 774.51
2177.83 1703.92
1500 1500
1107.3 1107.3
0.64 0.77 0.77 1.34
1.55 1.12 0.80 0.60
1.89 1.29 0.88 0.64
1150.90 1204.02 854.30 1956.82
2531.97 2648.84 1879.45 4305.01
1500 1500 1500 1500
1107.3 1525.6 1525.6 3395.7
1.70 1.97 1.54 2.29 1.74 1.23 1.27
Bedding suggested
concrete cradle concrete cradle concrete cradle concrete cradle concrete cradle concrete cradle concrete cradle concrete cradle concrete cradle concrete cradle concrete cradle concrete cradle concrete cradle concrete cradle concrete cradle concrete cradle concrete cradle Brick Ballast Crushed Stone Brick Ballast concrete cradle Brick Ballast Brick Ballast Brick Ballast
I have Carried out the design of this waste water disposal system for the Future Vision housing scheme with great zeal and the design is complete & will work for the betterment of the people.

Design report is prepared considering all possible features.

Manhole are provided where they were required.

Standard diameters of the pipes have been selected.

Pipes with sufficient length have been provided.

Prper joints have been suggested based on the diameter provided for the pipes.

Required cost for laying the pipes has also been calculated.

The bedding is selected on the basic of required load factor.

Rats for the sewer pipes & excavation were picked from the finance department website. (

I have also suggested the type of bedding based on the considerations given by WASA LAhORE.

For the effective utilization of the system cleaning and inspection be conducted after a proper time duration.

I have not provided the flush tank as they were not required.

Proper maintenances should be provided when required.

Proper maintenances of pumps are also required at regular interval.

In the end,I will conclude that this complete design of partially combined sewer improved my knowledge the design of this system done by me will work very efficiently.

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USB dongle was detected but I couldn't connect to that.I have tested the solution that I'm going to tell you. In any case, they seemingly seldom, if ever, ship with Linux drivers. What normally happens with Windows is the device starts up as a pen drive, the hardware drivers are installed and then they are responsible for 'switching' the device in to modem mode so you can use it. This 'switch' is done via some. You need a USB modem driver (CDC ACM) compiled into a Linux kernel 2.4.20 or higher or as a loadable module for your kernel. Installation of the modem under these kernels is fully automatic provided your kernel has the Plug and Play module enabled (default). You do not need to install any drivers off. rpm: RPM should not be used directly install RPM packages, use Alien instead! rpm: However assuming you know what you are doing... You are trying to install a RPM package on Ubuntu. Using rpm. You should use Alien instead. (As the warning - that you have ignored - suggests.) sudo alien --to-deb -i. Most of the usb dongle in market today comes with the drivers and application to use it in a managed way. The setup of this application is stored in its inbuilt memory. For windows system it autoruns and prompts to install the setup as soon as you plug your USB dongle. But, that is not the case for Linux. I've spent the past 2 days and 1½ hour from the third day trying to figure out how to configure my USB modem to start surfing on the net. And now i give up. Obviously i dont know what i'm doing so i need some help. I'm gettin an error when trying to connect with wvdial. Here is the error from the terminal: 3 min - Uploaded by green terminalIn This Video tutorial you will able to know Setup USB Modem In Linux mint / Ubuntu both. 3 min - Uploaded by Mohammed RajiStep 1: Download Driver/MobilePartner Download the driver from the. Install driver for. 2 min - Uploaded by Avinash Raj... command: sudo apt-get install. Overview. Identify the modem with the ScanModem tool or wvdialconf. Download, configure and install driver. If needed, it's often more economical to buy an easy one. Configure the dial-up connection to your provider. Huawei Linux Driver For All Huawei Modems Like E155, E1550, E155X, E16X, E1612, E1615, E1616, E1630, E172, E172G, E173, E176, E1762, E177, E1780, Unofficial Ubuntu Starter Guide - How to install Modem Driver (SmartLink)? Can anyone please assist me to setup and configure a Huawei E1750 modem on mandriva! we'll appreciate. info.linux.driver = 'usb' (string) info.parent = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_1d6b_1_0000_00_1d_0' (string) info.product = 'Selectwireless CDMA USB Modem' (string) info.subsystem = 'usb_device' (string) info.udi = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_1edf_6003_Data_Interface' (string) Introduction: This is Smart Link Soft Modem for Linux version 2.9.. ALSA has the built-in modem drivers included in 'alsa-driver' >= 1.0.2 and in Linux kernel. Currently there is. Contents. [hide]. 1 Installation. 1.1 Configuration of 'normal modem'; 1.2 Configuration of 'Alsa Modems' (Alsa Mode). 2 NOTE. The latter is provided in source form, allowing users to install the drivers under any supported version of the Linux kernel. Is my device supported? Which driver(s) do I need?. Sep-08-2003 Linuxant releases significantly enhanced Conexant HCF and HSF modem drivers! Highlights: V.92 support in full version (new for. We recommend that you refer to the User Guide or User Manual of the docking station on how to install the drivers correctly. Dell Wireless Mobile Broadband Driver (if applicable), Modem/Communications, Enables and enhances the mobile broadband controller for mobile broadband connectivity. Mobile. 3095 Manual Driver Installation for Windows 10 Important Note: The Drivers for the USB Modem is also located on our website (click here... The FAX modem driver lets you use your computer to send and receive faxes via your Brother MFC. Step 1. Please connect your MFC to your PC (running Ubuntu) with a USB cable. Network connection is not supported. Step 2. Download the driver for your machine (brfaxmodem-x.x.x-x.i386.deb). Step 3. Install the driver. These modems use proprietary software to emulate a hardware modem and are commonly referred to as WinModems due to the software being available only on Windows. Despite the release of binary-only drivers to enable use of some of these modems, these devices remain the bane of Linux notebook. Firstly, we need to get Linux to detect your card, start your PCMCIA services - normally this can be done using (most distros do this for you):. Compile the driver using the following commands: Installing a modem driver. You have not to read this section entirely; just read one matching with your modem. How to Uninstall and then Reinstall a Modem. A common need of any telephony-based software is to have correctly installed modem drivers. Software that records or plays back over a phone line additionally requires a voice/wave driver that is often installed separately to the modem driver. Sometimes this driver will be. i am getting a dialup message when connecting a usb modem to my laptop inorder for it to be able to connect to the email address is kabondoochi@gmail. Hardware Support; Installation with PPP and /etc/network/interfaces; Advanced Installation with WVDial. For Novatel; For. How to connect using a Franklin U210 USB wireless/WAN/mobile broadband modem; FAQ; TODO; Resources; External Links.. Compile the driver using the following commands: You need a USB modem driver (CDC ACM) compiled into a Linux kernel 2.4.20 or higher or as a loadable module for your kernel. Installation of the modem under these kernels is fully automatic provided your kernel has the Plug and Play module enabled (default). You do not. 4. USB Driver Installation Guide for LTE Devices. Device Driver Installation. Installing on Linux. Beginning with Linux Kernel 3.18, an LTE driver named option was included in Linux. If using an older version of. Linux, build an updated option driver. If the operating system recognizes the modem, devices named /dev/ttyUSBx. Modem Driver Download Tool - Download & Update Modem Drivers for your PC - Free Drivers Scan & Automatic Updates. Step-By-Step Instructions On How To Install Modem Drivers at When asked you for the code, enter 'FREE' for the 14.4kbps evaluation. Sidux: How to install ThinkPad Modem (MDC-3.0, 56kbps HDA) under sidux 2008-03 (Ουρέα); Gentoo: the hsfmodem package is in portage. If you are running a 2.6.15.* kernel, you might consider running: # hsfconfig --patch. Troubleshooting USB Modem Drivers will be specific to your error message. Search online using the error message you received; you will see USB Modem Driver not installed, unsigned or corrupted. This means you do not have the right one for your operating system – Linux for example. A discrepancy between your new. Whatever the reason, the first thing to do is obtain updated drivers and/or software and/or firmware for your modem to try to improve its performance. Typically, the. Contact your computer manufacturer (if the modem came pre-installed in the computer) or contact the vendor you purchased the modem from. Consult with the. Q: I'm not familiar with Linux. How do I install the adapter on my Linux? A: TP-Link has provided an Installation Guide in the driver files. Please follow the installation guide to install it. Or download from here: for linux driver_RTL.pdf. Q: What can I do if I get an error “permission denied” when. Copy the RPM file to the hard drive, for example, /home/drivers directory. Change directory to the location where you saved the file. In a terminal window, type rpm -ihv [Package Name] to install the modem driver. Example: ex. rpm -ihv l79m05ww.rpm; Go to K Menu > Logout, and. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Novatel Wireless Inc. unless such commitment is expressly given in a covering document. This document guides Linux users to be able to use Novatel Wireless cards on any graphical Linux. Wavecom fastrack AG-2403U Linux :CentOS release 6.3 (Final) I want to use a this GSM modem on CentOS and when I plugged it to the server, I got these lines in dmesg: usb 4-2: new full speed USB device number 5 using uhci_hcd usb 4-2: New. Try to find proper device driver from internet and install it This document gives instructions on how to install and configure this modem for use with Zetafax.. Connect the modem to the Zetafax Server computer and phone line; Download and install the Multitech Windows drivers for the modem; Add a Zetafax device for the modem; Test the installation. These steps. Configure GrameenPhone 3G USB modem in Ubuntu or Linux and make it working. thumb how can i install GP modem in ubuntu 15. 4. thumb. Easily Install/connect any zte/gp/huawei 3G modem in linux/ubuntu/kubuntu without any software. thumb. Install driver for usb modem HUAWEI on Linux UBUNTU 14 04. thumb The most downloaded Modem Drivers, including Modem Driver Update Utility, ZTE MF90 and 3G HSPA Modem.. A Modem Driver is software that allows your computer to access and use the installed modem. Modem driver problems may occur if the. How to Install drivers using Device Manager. The display adapter. Instructions how to install the Huawei E173 Usb Modem Data Card 3G 7.2Mbps on Ubuntu 10.04/12.04 LTS. Step 1: Download Driver/MobilePartner. Download the driver from the following link to your download folder and extract it: Huawei E173 Usb Modem. Step 2:. Note: If you don't want to install the latest Direct IP drivers below, you can still use your NETGEAR AirCard modem with Linux. Starting from kernel ver. 2.6.25, most of Linux distributions include the Sierra Linux drivers and are equipped with the Network Manager application. Simply insert your modem and follow the prompts. Home / Support / Dial-up 56K Modems / USB Modems / 3095. V.92 56K USB Mini External Modem Model 3095. Answers; Drivers; Firmware; Documentation; Contact Us. Installing the USB modem on a Windows 7 computer »; Error 692, 651, 615 or other errors in Windows Vista or Windows 7 ». See more answers ». It really was this simple: How to install D-Link DWA-182 Wireless AC1200 Dual Band USB Adapter on Linux Ubuntu. Download zip from here: rtl8812AU_8821AU_linux on GitHub. Unzip folder e.g. as “/home/mythbuntu/rtl8812AU_8821AU_linux-master” Here in this article, we will be showing you how to solve PCI Modem driver issue on Windows operating system with three trustworthy ways.. Its Free version will find the correct drivers for you to install. Then you can update them one by one. But if upgrade to Pro version, it will update all your drivers with. Before install the driver, please make certain that you had plugged the modem into your computer correctly, and your phone line is working properly and had been plugged into the Line port of the modem. Step 1. Download the latest driver for it from our web site, Click here to open the download page, and then extract the. Linux is very fussy with modems. It likes Hardware modem very much. On the other hand, it is very difficult to find linux device driver for the softmodems and winmodems . To determine my modem's type, I needed to know what chipset is being used. Usually the brand of the modem (in my case Prolink) is NOT the maker of. In order to set up a data connection on your computer and establish a connection to the internet using your USB modem, you need to install your USB modem. Remember, you need a Vodafone SIM. 1. Insert your SIM. Turn the front of your USB modem towards you. Slide the cover upwards and remove it. Turn your SIM as. 2) Try to install the conexant USB modem's linux drivers that came on a disk with the device. I tried installing the .deb plus the .tar.gz versions but neither would install. The dgcmodem-1.13.tar.gz wouldn't even decompress/unzip, saying 'unexpected end of file...Child returned status 1...error is not. windows modem install. Click on 'Update Driver' then point to your CD ROM that contains Modem Driver, if finished, you can determine on which port your modem installed by open Device Manager again, see this example: gammu windows modem port detect. Above info show your. How to Install Micromax MMX 352G, Micromax MMX 353G, Micromax MMX 355G, Micromax MMX 377G, Micromax MMX 144F Modem Drivers in Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 Pro/Enterprise/RT 32bit &64bit. How to connect Micromax MMX Modems to Windows 8.1. #!/bin/bash. # Run the below script only after 'Install NDIS driver failed' error while trying to install Huawei modem drivers on linux. # I checked this script on Ubuntu. # Detailed explanation of this script was given here( path='/usr/local/Mobile_Partner/driver'. if [ '$(ls -A $path)' ]; then. Professional, high quality modems allow a simple installation of the modem driver. For the Wavecom modem, for instance, a Standard 56000 modem driver can be installed. If you have a different sort of modem, the steps described below will be more complicated. Then you will have to select the driver provided by the. iTegno 38XX GPRS Modem. Driver iTegno 3800 (Win 98 / 2000 / Me / XP) [ Download here] For Win Vista ,Win 7,Win Server 2008 r2(32 bits and 64 bits) [ Download here] For Mac OS and Linux, Click. After uninstalling, double-click on Setup to start installation of the new software and follow the guided steps through to USRobotics Support for USR5668D 56K* V.92 Message Modem (RS232) which may include drivers, firmware, utilities, faqs, manuals, install guides, user guides. This article showing how to install Conexant USB modem on Linux machine.. Build modem driver. Prepare to build modem driver. You may skip some of the following rpm package depends on your system: # yum install dgcmodem-1.13-1.i386.rpm # yum install kernel-devel-2.6.33; Configure modem. Setting up a 3G USB modem with Kali Linux - Penetration Testing with Raspberry Pi > You can use 3G USB modem cards with Kali Linux and connect to your Raspberry Pi over cellular for. On a machine you do not care about you can try re-installing Kali and see if it can auto-detect it and install the drivers automatically. Start the Modem Driver Installation Program. Remove the WDM communication device, remove the modem that is listed in the Modem tool in Control Panel, and then start the modem driver installation program. A standard user can install and use a modem if the driver for the modem is included with Windows, or if the driver has been staged on the computer by an administrator. Otherwise, you must have administrative privileges to install a device driver that is not included with Windows. For more information about. Here is a simple step by step guide showing you how to install multiple U.S. Robotics V.92 USR5637 56K USB Fax modems on Windows XP: Connect the modems to computer, and install modems drivers;; Open Joyfax Broadcast, click Options button on the toolbar, choose Fax Devices, click Detect Devices..., only one U.S.. I have a USB Dynamode M56EXT USB-T fax/modem. On the Dynamode driver page I found a Linux driver provided by However when I try to install the modem on Linux Mint Helena, I receive an error with a message to look at 'dgcconfig-buildlog.txt'. Below are the contents of the file: make your 3G usb modem work. Most 3G USB Modems with a Micro SD slot will not work on Mint. Why? Linux is confused whether the USB dongle is a flashdisk/modem/CD-ROM. Here's the solution: Go to the Terminal and enter this code: sudo apt-get install usb-modeswitch. this will install both the. After installation (and on every consecutive plugging) the driver switches the mode internally, the storage device vanishes (in most cases), and a new. in both modes with the available Linux drivers like 'usb-storage' or 'option' (an optimized serial driver, the Linux standard for high-speed 3G modems). This document describes how to install drivers for the USB connection on Motorola Cable Modems. NOTE: This document will also apply to Windows Vista operation systems. Perhaps the MSDN article How To Programmatically Install Modem Drivers which includes rhis call to runDll32.exe can help rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL modem.cpl,Modems, noui inf=c:MyModem.INF sect=MyModem. The article is very old and references Windows NT version 4.0 but then. Connect your USB modem to a USB port on your computer. Windows automatically detects the modem and installs drivers for you. After the drivers install, click the Windows 'Start' button, 'Control Panel' and then click 'Network and Internet.' In the list of utilities, click 'Network and Sharing Center' to open your networking. But maybe I didn't explain my problem detail enough. I know how to connect to the internet. But my problem is the modem driver is not installed on my laptop. No information found when I clicked on the modem under System Profiler. I believe either I have a bad modem or the modem driver is not yet install. As I'm using a relatively recent Ubuntu installation, I'm running a 3.8 kernel. The Linux 3.8 kernel provides the sierra (no version number) and sierra_net (v2.0) drivers, but I was unable to get these drivers to enumerate the Aircard 320U. The tarball from Sierra lists sierra v.1.7.40 and sierra_net v.3.2, but out. Unfortunately, some software modems (winmodems) will not work with Linux due to lack of Linux drivers. Configuring the software. External serial modems are usually easier to install and usually has less configuration problems provided the serial port you'll connect it to is configured OK. External USB modems are more. If your modem doesn't comply with the specification, it will not work with this driver. You need to select the USB Modem (CDC ACM) support kernel option. If you build as modules, you need to install the acm.o option. You need to set up the device node entries for the various modems. You can use up to 32 modems with this. Hi to every one...good morning.. I've read some topics regarding on connecting Linux through dial-up connection, and found out that there are really few internal modem that enables them to connect to the internet. Luckily my modem is able to be used in linux. i've already went to the site for. How to configure your modem Choose modem - Select - Huawei USB Modem ZTE USB Modem UM 7.2Mbps & 42Mbps USB Modem 21Mbps MiFi Modem -. Huawei USB Modem. Plug in the modem to the USB port. Install the modem drivers and Mobile Partner Client. Once installed, you can launch the application from. Install and Configure GSM Modem. The list of supporting modems for the probe is available at The recommendation is to use the MTCBA-G2 modem from the Multi-Tech Systems. Install the GSM modem driver (provided by manufacturer) and confirm whether a Port number is enabled and. 48 secThis video teaches you how to install modem driver. Additional help and information about installing a computer modem. Installing a modem, whether internal or external, is fairly easy to do. If the modem is external, there is no need to disassemble the computer and install the modem. This procedure is applicable for both PC and Mac computers. It is best to know what kind of modem will be installed, and also to check if it is compatible with the. Download the latest drivers for your PCI-Modem to keep your Computer up-to-date. How to install Linux driver for netis wireless adapters on Ubuntu? Every netis adapter has an “readme” file in the Linux driver package, it contains detailed installation steps, but if you still setup failed, please use this indirect way to install the driver. Here we provide two way for you to install the driver. Method A: The steps are. Remote Network Driver Interface Specification (RNDIS) is a Microsoft proprietary protocol. Devices using a USB connection for downloading and debugging of OS image from Platform Builder use this driver to emulate a network connection. RNDIS driver is required for this purpose. RNDIS driver is a part of the Windows 7. Also I will show you how to connect from console / terminal with this device if you want to establish a permanent Internet connection over this device. 1. Installation First you will need to get the drivers from site: . Betavine is a Vodafone Group. Use this document to help you find and install the correct modem driver update for your HP Pavilion Desktop PC. Hi, I need to use linux driver to configure ehs6 modem. I want to be able to open a socket connection and send and receive messages using linux. Sorry if my. So you should probably try to run some AT commands first, which you will later also need to start, install, stop, delte MIDlet's if you will use them. Note: If you don't want to install the latest Direct IP drivers below, you can still use your Sierra Wireless Modem modem with Linux. Starting from kernel ver. 2.6.25, most of Linux distributions include the Sierra Linux drivers and are equipped with the Network Manager application. Simply insert your modem and follow the. Soon after installing any operating system a user's first activity would be to configure internet connection! Though wired (ethernet) and wireless (Wi-Fi) connections work fine with first try, configuring a USB modem can be tricky at times on Linux. This post will throw some light on different ways to configure a. following: • Wireless modem that has been activated on a Windows machine. The modem should be associated with an account with Sprint. • Linux installation. This setup assumes that you have installed the usbserial driver distributed on your. Linux CD according to the instructions in the driver installation readme file. Hi, i was wondering if anyone would give me simple instructions on how to install Agere HDA systems modem drivers. I have been given urls to sites and used scanmodem and tried to follow instructions there, but on dialup its a nightmare to download each driver, reboot into ubuntu doesn't work, reboot into. This documentation covers the installation of the Iridium phone as a modem and instructions on how to manually create a dial-up connection. 2. Modem Driver Installation and Configuration. Prior to using your Iridium phone as a modem for Direct Internet 2.0, you must do the following: • Install the “Iridium. Cellular signal is good enough because good signal is required for dialup and good internet speed and bandwidth; 3. One PC or Laptop with usb port is required for the configuration. 4. Insert the USB dongle modem to PC or Laptop, install the drivers and software. 5. Config the APN paramter and network. recently, i needed to fax something, but i could not do it because the windows fax configuration wizard could not detect any installed modems. i know there is a modem on my computer because there is an rj-11 jack. when i tried to install this modem driver In Windows XP, it will run the Autorun file of the modem to install the dialer and drivers several seconds after we plug the modem into a USB port. In Windows 7, we need to manually run the Autorun file by exploring to the storage inside the modem. The installation process should appear. Huawei E220. 1. Install required software. Connect your Raspberry PI to the internet via LAN or Wifi; Open a terminal window and enter: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ppp usb-modeswitch wvdial. Though we recommend you to avoid using multiple low-cost fax modems for faxing, we get asked this question a lot. Here is a simple step by step guide showing you how to install multiple U.S. Robotics V.92 USR5637 56K USB Fax modems on Windows XP: Connect the modems to computer, and install modems drivers;.